
June Vacation

Well we took our vacation to the great state of Oklahoma this summer. We left right after VBS was over and headed for the cooler weather, oh that's just what we thought... it was not below 100 any day that week. But we did get a lot of sun, relaxation time, and we were able to celebrate our 4-year anniversary. We did something very simple this year, as I am 25 weeks pregnant...(whew)!! We were actually able to spend the whole day by ourselves while Alaina went shopping and playing with Grammy & Aunt Lissa. They spoil her so! 

Our day started off with a simple lunch @ Taco Bueno (my fav), a fun game @ Target that Rick set up - - - We each had $10 and couldn't go over besides tax, had 30 minutes to find each other a gift, and we could spy on each other!! So, I recalled Rick needing sunglasses, wanting an old Charlie Hall CD, or wanting something in Lawn & Garden. But I didn't find anything worth buying so I settled for the HULK DVD. Ya I know, real sentimental, huh?! 

So we plan to exchange gifts at dinner, but were laughing so hard at how much fun we had so we opened them in the car...I go first and his is all sentimental (just what I like) - this Love Plaque, a sweet card, sour candy(for the movie), and a frame for our movie tickets and a pic to go in. How THOUGHTFUL. I was so sad that I just got him a movie, not even a card!!! Then we headed to see Transformers - great movie. And went to Utica Square to have a quaint dinner at Olive Garden. Of course at this point, Rick has a full, tired, back-aching pregnant wife on his hands...so we go home and get to see our precious gift from the Lord before she falls asleep ~ Alaina Marie! It was a wonderful anniversary! I'm so blessed to have a Godly husband, father, and leader of our home.